Solutions on the basis of RFID-identification

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A company INFOCOM sp. z o.o. offers off-the-shelf solutions based on the radio-frequency identification technology (RFID-technology)

Having regard to the fact, that application of RFID-systems is possible in any spheres of business, where identification, calculation and product accounting are needed, application of RFID has no standards and boundaries, but requires the additional task statement and software development according to the developed technical specification (scope of tasks).

A company INFOCOM sp. z o.o. has a work experience with RFID-systems in the field of product accounting and identification, transport accounting, car park automation. Some of our solutions are presented below::

Materia flow management
Automated parking complex with RFID-technology
Site de l'usine Bombardier
ligne de construction du train rEgional AGV

[#Beginning of Shooting Data Section]
Nikon D2X

Focale : 12mm

Optim. image : 

Mode couleur : Mode II (Adobe RVB)

REduction du bruit : DEsactivEe

REduc. bruit ISO : DEsactivEe

2007/03/01 10:53:52.2

Mode d'exposition : Auto programmE*

Balance des blancs : Auto

Correction des tons: Normale

CompressEes RAW (12 bits)

Mode de mesure : Multizones

Mode de AF : AF-S

REglage des teintes : 0?

Taille d'image: Grande (4288 x 2848)

1/1.3 seconde(s) - F/13

Mode synchro flash: Non joint

Saturation : Normale

Correction d'exposition : 0 IL

NettetE Image : Normale

Objectif : 12-24mm F/4 G

SensibilitE : ISO 125

Commentaire de l'image Photo Ph.GIRAUD   Tel:33(0)247523273

[#End of Shooting Data Section]
Unmanned transport system
Multi-storey car park

RFID-identification of the transport vehicles

The RFID-identification system for transport vehicles helps to control the movement of the transport vehicles (to control the car movement) while passing through the control areas, equipped with the special readout equipment.
The solution of car identification and control is standard and doesn’t require development for a long time.

The standard readout system consists of the following components:

  • The stationary readout system for RFID tags (the readout system can be placed both on the railway truck scales, and on the specified railroad sections;
  • Equipment for coding and checking of the RFID-tags;
  • RFID-tags on the transport vehicles;
  • Portable manual RFID-reader for adjustment and maintenance of the readout system.

The typical equipment arrangement of the car RFID-identification

Identification and accounting of articles


Tracking of material flow on the production cycle from raw materials to the finished goods.

Main functions

  • Modelling of all types of equipment (tanks, connections, reactors, rectifying columns etc.)
  • Modelling of the process, which  meets the production cycle
  • Tracking of the material flow in real-time mode
  • Batch recording
  • Tracking of the product history
  • Integration into the general system with the help of special adapter

Solution of SIEMENS SBT Department — hardware and software system DESIGO is used for dispatching and automated control of lighting, heating, air conditioning, fire alarm and fire-fighting systems.

INFOCOM sp.z o.o. offers DYNACORD PROMATRIX 8000 solution for audio-warning and sound at the stadiums, airports, railway stations and shopping malls.

Parking control system is designed for automation and control of entrance/exit of vehicle and parking service fees.

Automatic lighting system solves following main tasks:

  •  outdoor lighting:
  •  indoor lighting of premises…

Lighting systems of stadiums and other sport venues meet additional requirements:

  • arena’s lighting:
  • grandstand’s lighting…


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