Building automation

INFOCOM sp. z o.o. offers systems, equipment and services for the automation of life support systems and safety of different buildings: airports, stadiums, railway stations, and office and entertainment complexes.

Our most important task is to provide you the optimal comfort, energy conservation, serviceability and safety.

Offering solutions:

  • providing of comfortable conditions (lighting, warming, air conditioning);
  • ensuring the fire safety (alarm and fire-fighting systems);
  • control and access security provision;
  • colored video surveillance systems;
  • nonvolatile audio-warning system (with the warning possibility irrespective of noise level and available electric power supply);
  • efficient energy usage systems with several redundancy levels;
  • parking control systems;
  • in the sphere of information and communication.

Capabilities of BMS (building management) system:

Systems modular architecture allows, irrespective of the object size and its use, to select systems according to the customer’s requirement and integrate them into the existing conditions and equipment with the possibility of the further extension without the essential expenditures for time and resources.

Data exchange between modules is carried out through the multi-service network, used for the traffic transferring from multimedia (speech, video image) to the electronic datas.

Solution of SIEMENS SBT Department — hardware and software system DESIGO is used for dispatching and automated control of lighting, heating, air conditioning, fire alarm and fire-fighting systems.

INFOCOM sp.z o.o. offers DYNACORD PROMATRIX 8000 solution for audio-warning and sound at the stadiums, airports, railway stations and shopping malls.

Parking control system is designed for automation and control of entrance/exit of vehicle and parking service fees.

Automatic lighting system solves following main tasks:

  •  outdoor lighting:
  •  indoor lighting of premises…

Lighting systems of stadiums and other sport venues meet additional requirements:

  • arena’s lighting:
  • grandstand’s lighting…

Dispatching and automated control

Disposition and automatic control

INFOCOM sp. z o.o. carries out projects on development/modernization of control systems for water treatment facilities.

Creation of optimal control and monitoring system at the objects, dispersed territorially, but connected by one communication system on the basis of visualization systems of v. SIEMENS, including the newest visualization system WinCC OA. SIEMENS, including the latest visualization system WinCC OA.

What is a dispatching system

This is a whole complex of hardware and software that allows to control engineering systems, technological processes, production, etc. remotely, to coordinate the work of several objects at once. Modern large production facilities are complex systems, equipment, technological lines, which are important to manage correctly, monitor their condition and control the whole process.

Practice has shown the effectiveness of dispatching for large systems with many subsystems. It increases the efficiency of work of specialists involved in planning and production. The dispatching system will allow you to assess production capabilities, take orders, plan the purchase of components, sales, etc. You can make the necessary adjustments to the system at any stage, taking into account the real indicators.

It is possible to distinguish such purposes of development and implementation of the control room:

  • control and management of production with different levels of detail of individual systems, accounting of plan fulfillment;
  • accounting of production resources and labor;
  • organization of warehouse accounting;
  • management of remote objects, their monitoring and control;
  • obtaining up-to-date information on the functioning of technological complexes;
  • increasing the reliability of information with the help of process automation and equipment modernization;
  • increasing system security.

Where dispatching is used

Dispatching is actively used to control complex engineering systems. Heating, ventilation system, water supply, air conditioning, etc. can be effectively controlled by creating a control room. It is an ideal opportunity to synchronize the operation of a variety of engineering utilities.

Dispatching will perfectly cope with the management of a house, an enterprise, a separate installation. This is a special software that allows you to get up-to-date data on the state of the system, save them in the history, in time to make corrective decisions on the operation of the system as a whole. Remote control and constant monitoring of the system will allow you to eliminate malfunctions in time, prevent accidents, ensure an efficient and continuous process.

Any system with a huge number of elements requires the creation of a control room, where it will be possible to simultaneously monitor the work of each element and manage them if necessary. The dispatcher relies on the performance of the system and reacts to the slightest disruptions in its operation.

Dispatching can be used in any sphere. It is well suited for large commercial facilities, residential buildings, organization of production, technological processes, etc. There are complex dispatching stations at different levels of technological processes, which allow analyzing separate complexes of equipment and transferring data to the central dispatching system.

INFOCOM sp. z o.o. engineers will develop a system of dispatching system tailored to the needs of your enterprise and create a user-friendly interface for continuous monitoring of the system and quick management decisions. We have extensive experience in automating processes, modernizing systems and creating efficient control rooms of any size.

DESIGO: a complete solution for building management

  • monitoring and control capability for different topological circuits;
  • customized operations where required:
    • monitoring and operation via WEB;
    • convenient parameter adjustment via operator consoles in the room;
  • equipment optimized for easy installation and configuration;
  • professional software tools for design and commissioning;
  • The use of innovative web technologies in the system, work with high-performance databases and open communication make DESIGO an attractive asset for investors for the long term.

Innovations for comfort and safety: the benefits of DESIGO

  1. You get up-to-date and objective information about the state of the system, engineering communications at a particular moment, visualization of the technological process.
  2. The software interface is designed for you, which allows you to act quickly, efficiently, comfortably monitor the system status and respond to changes in its operation.
  3. You can receive messages about changes in system operation, the slightest malfunctions on your phone, monitor, printer and other equipment.
  4. You get an archive of system operation data that can be used for analysis or planning.
  5. You prevent accidents and related costs in a timely manner.
  6. The system is constantly analyzed, which allows you to be notified in time when equipment maintenance is needed to extend its life and improve efficiency.

Video surveillance systems

The automated video surveillance system is designed to provide real-time security and documentation of incidents inside the building and in the adjacent areas.

The automated system solves the following main tasks:

  1. Visual control of the situation at the protected object – provides information to the surveillance post in multiscreen mode (standby mode) or full-screen mode (image from one TV camera on the whole screen) in real time. This provides the opportunity to make operational decisions adequate to the specific situation.
  2. The ability to organize continuous video recording with the help of a computer system – allows documenting the fact of violation and provides an opportunity for effective and prompt analysis of each situation.
  3. The system integrates with access control systems, fire alarm systems, parking management systems and other building automation systems.
  4. Execution of security alarm functions when using motion detectors of video cameras or external security sensors and informing the system operator about the occurrence of an alarm in the controlled area. In this case, the triggering of the motion detector can automatically activate recording for full registration of the alarm situation, start one of the many scenarios of the system response – triggering actuators, changing the operating mode of a system component, launching other applications or a combination of all these events.

Audio-warning and sound system

Audio-warning and sound systems

INFOCOM sp. z o.o. offers DYNACORD PROMATRIX 8000 solution for audio-warning and sound at the stadiums, airports, railway stations and shopping malls.

Main advantages of this system:

  • best sound quality;
  • low power consumption (it can work without performance degradation from emergency power source battery in case of primary power loss;
  • designed in accordance with international standards (is equipped with “police” consoles, which allow the fire safety service and police officers to make important announcements or to start the text with instructions, recorded beforehand, on maximal volume over the entire facility);
  • complex monitoring of system components state and issuing of simple instructions in problem solving for the stuff;
  • easy connection of other systems.

Lighting system

Automatic lighting system solves following main tasks:

outdoor lighting:

  •  outdoor facilities;
  • approach roads;
  • footpaths and avenues;
  • art-lighting of building’s facades;

  indoor lighting of premises:

  •  customary lighting;
  •  emergency lighting;
  •  safe lighting;

automatic lighting switch on/off , which depends on the day time:

  • the possibility of manual lighting control per the main dispatching console;
  • automated switch to the reserve power supplies (second inlet, generator) in case of break-down of the main one;
  • providing of lighting system functioning from uninterruptable power supplies for a time needed for switching to reserve power supplies;
  • providing of emergency lighting within an hour min;
  • complex monitoring of all system components state and issuing of simple directions in problem’s solving for the staff.

Lighting systems stadiums and other sport venues meet additional requirements:

arena’s lighting:

  • during the competitions of international standing with HDTV-broadcasting – 2200lx min;
  • during the national championships with TV-broadcasting – 1500 lx min;
  • during the competitions without TV-broadcasting – 1000 lx min;
  • training regime of professional level sportsmans – 200 lx min;

  grandstand’s lighting:

  • during the competition with TV-broadcasting – from 500 up to 800 lx depending on distance from the field edge;
  • additional lighting – not less than 50 lx;
  • “antipanic” mode – average lighting 25 lx min, but not less than 5 lx on the most dark segment.
    automated switch of flutter’s groups by their local switch on for control of equal working time of all lamps;
  • automated switch of flutter’s groups by their local switch on for control of equal working time of all lamps;
  • arena’s and grandstand’s lighting should be maintained during the whole time of competitions and after its ending for so long as the last spectator leaves the grandstand and technical staff of TV-broadcaster deinstalls its equipment.


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