• Cabinets for level L2 level (visualization of technological processes and other necessary information, reception, transmission and processing of production and technical information)
    • Server cabinet
    • Operator Workstation
    • Engineering station
    • Network cabinets with active and passive equipment
  • Cabinets of management of the L1 level (management of technological process and equipment)
    • Power Distribution Cabinet
    • Controller Cabinet (PLC Cabinet)
    • I / O cabinet
    • Distributed Peripheral Cabinet
    • Cabinet frequency converter
    • NKU case (control by MCC engines)
    • NKU cabinet (power distribution)
  • Cabinets for controlling equipment of the L0 level (instrumentation, sensors, technical means that perform the functions of interlocks and protections, switching control signals to actuators and manual control of equipment)
    • Local control panels
    • Terminal boxes


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