Design of the automation and power supply part of a chocolate production plant

Home » News » Design of the automation and power supply part of a chocolate production plant

In the food industry, the main thing is to streamline production processes at all levels and simplify manual labor. For this purpose, 3D design, documentation, and analysis of the power supply system have a great impact on work efficiency.

The company’s specialists have completed an important amount of work:

    • 3D design in Revit,

Our specialists created a high-quality 3D project and documentation in a model-based environment. This allows you to make informed decisions at the early stages of design.

    • Development of documentation for control cabinets and power supply system,

The development of documentation for control cabinets and power supply systems is intended for the automatic control of technological processes in production. Control cabinets house equipment for monitoring technological parameters of production, as well as control equipment for process control. Therefore, the creation of such documents is one of the main procedures for project implementation.

    • Analysis of the power supply system

From the initial data, we have conclusions about the efficient operation of the devices and compliance with the established standards.

Thanks to the experience of our specialists, we were able to design part of the automation and power supply of the chocolate production plant.

To order the automation / dispatching of treatment facilities, contact the specialists of INFOCOM sp. z o.o. 

Published on February 01, 2023

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