INFOCOM sp. z o.o.
applies innovative technologies and solutions

We help enterprises become more efficient

Years on the market
1 +
Successful projects
1 +
Partner Countries
1 +

INFOCOM sp. z o.o. is an international innovative engineering company with superior knowledge of logistics, unmanned technologies and vision systems for 25 years. Implementation of international projects for the automation of infrastructure facilities, the development of material flow accounting, the transition to an alternative form of energy and IT technologies for industrial automation.

Years on the market
1 +
Successful projects
1 +
Partner Countries
1 +

INFOCOM sp. z o.o. is an international innovative engineering company with superior knowledge of logistics, unmanned technologies and vision systems for 25 years. Implementation of international projects for the automation of infrastructure facilities, the development of material flow accounting, the transition to an alternative form of energy and IT technologies for industrial automation.

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24/7 support mode

INFOCOM sp. z o.o., as a reliable partner, offers maintenance services for your equipment. The customers will be provided round-the-clock support for the planned work on the process control system from the developers. Secure connections (hardware and software), compliance with data protection security protocol.

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ETAP and NEPLAN software systems

One of the key tasks of INFOCOM sp. z o.o. is to determine the correct approach to optimizing the power supply systems of industrial enterprises using specialized programs based on ETAP and NEPLAN.


Automation & Engineering services, production modernization

INFOCOM sp. z o.o. is engineering company with 25+ years of expertise in industrial automation. We have a reference of 1000+ completed projects worldwide in agricultural, F&B, metallurgical, chemical, and other sectors.

Charging station

Portable charging station from UGV Chargers is designed to meet all the modern needs of users.
The main task of charging station is to provide electricity to all devices that require power.

The generator is suitable for any needs at home and outside the city. And in the event of a long-term power outage, the station can be recharged by the sun.

In what area
can we help you?

Software development for automation control system

INFOCOM sp. z o.o.’s Department of Automation Systems engineers have deep expertise in developing SW for automation systems of technological processes starting from small tasks up to integral automation solutions for plant automation including work with batches, routes configuration and integration into MES system.

Development of design documents

INFOCOM sp. z o.o. is engineering company with 25+ years of expertise in industrial automation. We have a reference of 1000+ completed projects worldwide in agricultural, F&B, metallurgical, chemical, and other sectors.

IT services

INFOCOM sp. z o.o. IT specialists have been providing IT services for 25 years. IT services from INFOCOM Ltd is a high-quality, efficient and effective implementation of your tasks from experienced professionals. Our team of IT specialists will help turn your ideas and wishes into a turnkey solution.

of INFOCOM sp. z o.o.:

INFOCOM sp. z o.o.– a team of like-minded people: young, ambitious, responsible.
For 25 years in the market we have completed more than 1000 projects.
In Ukraine, our competences have been confirmed by global giants in the field of automation.

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