ACS of TP of the oil extraction factory

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ACS of TP of the oil extraction factory

INFOCOM sp. z o.o. has a vast expertise in design and implementation of automated control system of the whole oil extraction complex incl. extraction.

Broshure “Oil extraction plant automation”

INFOCOM sp. z o.o. expertise in oil extraction automation

  • Electric power supply;
  • Automation of receiving/dispatch and silo strorage;
  • Light in main and auxiliary rooms;
  • Grounding and lightning protection;
  • Video surveillance;
  • Access control system;
  • Thermometre (temperature control);
  • Bearing temperature control;
  • Automatic sample selection for rawmaterial quality control;
  • Transport route control on the territory of silo;
  • Weight measuring automated system.

Main benefits of control system for oil extraction

Routes automation

Material flow control

Reduction of costs for electric power

Downtime reduction on 90%

Reduction of equipment depreciation


Productivity at 95%

Area of grain receiving and storage serves for  unloading of grain from auto, -and railway transport, grain drying when required, its transportation into the grain store, long-term storage and its further transportation into the winnow-hulling shop.

On the area are implemented technological modes, which improve productivity and ease of use: system of the automatic silos cleaning, reciprocal equipment interlocking system, and system of route selection of seed relocation with automatic start and shut-down.

Winnow-hulling area serves for hulling of seeds and separation of the seed kernels from glume. On the area are implemented technological modes, which improve productivity and ease of use: system of the semi-automatic start of the shop, start of processing of the sunflower or soya/rape seeds and reciprocal equipment interlocking system.

Oil press shop serves for seed preparation for extraction, further oil extraction in the press machines and oil filtering. On the area are implemented technological modes, which improve productivity and ease of use: start of processing of the sunflower or soya/rape seeds, system of automatic air conditioner control, system of automatic control of oil filtering, reciprocal equipment interlocking system, system of automatic control of press productivity.

Oil cake and husk granulating shop serves for gaining of granules from the processed oil cake and husk. On the area is implemented semi-automatic start of granulation and reciprocal equipment interlocking system.

Hydration area serves for extraction of phospholipids from vegetable oils, oil dehydration, and oil cooling. On the area is implemented the reciprocal equipment interlocking system, and user-friendly system of visualization of the production process.

Lecithin production area serves for lecithin production from the purified oil, its storage and shipment. On the area is implemented fully automated lecithin production and storage process, and reciprocal equipment interlocking system.

Oil storage area is used for storing oil and its further loading to the automobile or railway transport.  Automatic dosing system and equipment interlocks system is realized on this area.

Oil meal and husk acceptance and transportation area is designed for accepting husk from winnowing section for storage, accepting granulated oil meal and husk from the oil meal and husk granulation section, and also accepting oil meal from the extraction section (in emergency situations). Routs selection system of products transition with possibility of automatic start and stop is realized in this section.

ACS of artesian water intake is designed for supplying water-treatment equipment with technical water with further supply of the treated water to the consumers. System of automatic selection of drillholes based on the current water supply by the plant, nominal debit of the drillhole and priority in water quality is realized on this area.

Integration system with the system of boiler control serves for provision of the feed water supply and husk to the boiler, and for the stream distribution to the consumption systems. On the area is implemented the system of the automatic control of the husk supply to the boiler bin according its current productivity and reciprocal equipment interlocking system.

Dispatching system assures automation of the process of gathering, processing, collecting, storage and displaying of data, received from ACS of TP of all production areas of the enterprise. It allows to make fast decisions in row material receiving, its transportation for processing, to carry out unloading and receipt of the end products and semi-finished products (components) from processing, to carry out mixing of the products for receiving of market products and improvement of the substandard products.

MES – is a centralized process control in online mode on the all production phases. The information is transferred automatically to all the phases, that’s why the human factor is excluded.


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