Dosing system for the treatment of crops with the aim of destroying harmful insects

Home » News » Dosing system for the treatment of crops with the aim of destroying harmful insects

INFOCOM sp. z o.o. has a solution for the treatment of crops to eliminate harmful insects.

The system is designed for use on:

  • elevators
  • grain storages
  • grain processing complexes,
  • warehouses.

Automatic dosing system for crop treatment:

  • allows you to destroy pests;
  • minimizes the human factor;
  • minimizes financial losses.

This system is fully automated and integrated into the elevator’s process control system. Receiving data from the elevator on the volume of crops processed per hour, the system automatically determines the required number of liters of insecticide for treatment. The proposed automatic station for the application of insecticides for treatment allows to realize the task of precise dosing of insecticides in the control of pests of grain stocks in granaries and elevators.

When applying insecticides, 2-component nozzles are used, which allow to obtain small particles of the drug from 2 to 20 microns in accordance with the specified air pressure and drug consumption. The pressure in the line with the preparation is provided by a dosing pump.

The insecticide application station is physically and functionally divided into 2 boxes and one insecticide container.

The first box (Dosing Box) contains:

  • compressed air preparation unit;
  • water injection unit, together with a station for increasing and normalizing water pressure;
  • insecticide injection and dosing unit;
  • pressure sensors for supply lines.

The second box (PLC Box) contains:

  • Simatic S7 1200 control controller;
  • control panel;
  • elements of power supply, switching and protection of power consumption.

The entire process of crop treatment is fully automated, the participation of service personnel is minimal and is reduced to periodic cleaning of nozzles and maintaining the working level of the preparation in the insecticide tank.

To order the automation / dispatching of treatment facilities, contact the specialists of INFOCOM sp. z o.o. 

Published on May 17, 2023

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