Low-voltage distribution units SIVACON S8:

  • Construct with closing switch;
  • Multi-purpose mounting construct;
  • Hard mounted construct (front end covers);
  • Construct of hard mounted small-profiled fuses 3NJ4;
  • Construct of small-profiled plug-in fuses 3NJ6 / SASIL;
  • Reactive power compensation.

SIVACON 8PT technology is a state-of-the-art modular distribution system solution from a world-renowned manufacturer that can meet any customer’s distribution requirements and allows maintenance, repair and replacement of components at any time without shutting down the entire plant.

SIVACON8PT cabinets are designed for power distribution up to 690V AC up to 7400A. They can be used in all areas of power generation, transmission and distribution.


Localization withstandability

Special tests in personnel protection and system are carried out according to IЕС 6164:

  • Doors and end covers shouldn’t open;
  • Parts shoudnt break away;
  • There shouldn’t be holes in cover;
  • Detectors shouldn’t light up;
  • PE-conductor should be in operation.

Optionally: arc-suppression barriers and insulated busbar.

Cabinet construction

Function compartments for:

  • Bus;
  • Device;
  • Additional equipment. Cable/bus connection;
  • Transverse interconnection.

Identical geometrical dimensions of device units independing on:

  • Bus positioning;
  • Cabinet’s depth.

Cabin and housing

  • Galvanized iron cabinets;
  • Height 2000 and 2200 mm (additionally 100 or 200mm high base);
  • Powder coating of housing parts;
  • Angle of the door opening up to 180° (125°);
  • Doors with several or one lockig device;
  • Doors with multipurpose hinges (hinges can be freely transfered);
  • Upper cover with an explosive valve;
  • Level of protection IР30/31 IР40/41,IР54 (IР55).

Main busbar

  • Different location of bus bar from above and from behind (from above and from below);
  • Rated current up to 7010 А;
  • Rated peak withstand curent (Iрk) up to 330 kА;
  • Rated short-time withstand current Icw up to 150 kА;
  • Two busbars can be used in electric power distribution plants;
  • Unmanned bus connections;
  • Joints of transport units have an easy access from the front or from above.

FCB — construct with automatic circuit breaker

Fixed or drawout automatic circuit breakers for entrance, intersection and outgoing feeders.

  • ENTRON 3WL air circuit breakers, from 630 up to 6300 A, 3-, and 4-pole;
  • SENTRON 3VL compact circuit breakers, from 630 up to 1600 A, fixed;
  • Width of the cabinet depends on the nominal size of the circuit breaker (example: cabinet with the width of 400 mm up to In = 1600 A, 600 mm up to In = 3200 A, 1000 mm up to In = 6300 A);
  • Clearly devided functional compartments;
  • Text and off-position when the door of the cabinet is closed;
  • Cable/bus connection from above, below and behind the cabinet;
  • Connection to busbar SIVACON 8PS,which has passed typical tests;
  • Separate section of auxiliary units for every circuit breaker;
  • Place for composite control elements and block systems;
  • Holder for auxiliary equipment can be disconnected and draw out from the cabinet;
  • Section size of cable/bus connections depends rated current of the circuit breaker;
  • Places of cable and busbar connections are easy to get at;
  • High safety for maintanance staff due to deviding into compartments;
  • Time for connection is remarkably reduced.

Construct with automatic circuit breaker, disconnect and outgoing, with SENTRON 3VL/3WL

BC — Construct with automatic circuit breaker – Compartment with SENTRON 3VL/3WL

РСВ/ВС – Construst with automatic circuit breaker

Circuit breaker
Panel’s width [mm]
Bus from above
Bus from behind
Cable connection
VL630 400 400 400 600
VL800; fixed mounted 400 400 400 600
VL800; withdrawable 600 600 600 600
VL1250, -1600; fixed mounted 400 400 400 600
VL1250, -1600; withdrawable 600 600 600 600
3WL1106, -08, – 10, -12, -16 400, 600 600 400, 600 600
3WL1220, -1225, -1232 600, 800 800 600, 800 800
3WL1340 800 1000 1000 1000
Bus connection
VL1600; fixed mounted 400 600 400 600
VL1600; withdrawable 600 600 600 600
3WL1106, -08, – 10, -12, -16 400, 600 600 400, 600 600
3WL1220, -1225, -1232 600, 800 800 600, 800 800
3WL1340, -1350, -1363 1000 1000 1000 1000
Panel’s width [mm]
Circuit breaker
Bus from above
Bus from behind
3WL1106, -08, -10, -12, -16 600 800 600 600
3WL1220, -25, -32 800 1000 800 800
3WL1340 1000 1200 1000 1000
3WL1350 1000 1200 1200 1200
3WL1363 1400 1400 1400 1400

OFF – Construct of multi-purpose mounting

  • Combination of different installation ways of modules;
  • Fixed construct with the compartment doors;
  • Set-in small-compartment fuse-disconnecting switches 3NJ6;
  • 600mm wide compartments (connection from behind);
  • 1000 mm and 1200 mm wide compartments (connection from the front);
  • 400mm or 600 mm wide compartment for cable connections;
  • Cable inlet from above, below or behind (not for3NJ6);
  • Form of the inner division – up to 4b.

OFFW –Construct of multi-purpose mounting – vertical busbar

  • Rated current: I n up to 1620 A;
  • Rated short-circuit withstand current.Icw up to 65 kA*;
  • 3-and 4-pole;
  • Different ways of cable and bus connection, without drilling or perforation;
  • Copper profile 400 or 650 mm².

OFFW – Construct of multi-purpose mounting –Hard-mounted construct with the compartment doors

  • Cable feeders:
    • SENTRON 3VL automatic circuit breaker;
    • SENTRON 3VT1…3 automatic circuit breaker;
    • SIRIUS 3RV automatic circuit breaker;
    • SENTRON 3K switch-disconnectors;
    • SENTRON 3NP switch-disconnectors;
  • Rated current In up to 630 A;
  • 3-and 4-pole;
  • Hard mounting and plugin cap (3VL);
  • RCD modules (3VL);
  • Manual or motor drive;
  • Control from the door or behind it;
  • Mounting panels for other equipment.

OFFW – Construct of multi-purpose mounting SENTRON 3NJ6 switch-disconnector

  • Adapter for installation up to 10 SENTRON 3NJ6 plug-in switch-disconnectors;
  • 600 mm high adapter (height of the component – 500 mm);
  • SENTRON 3NJ6 switch-disconnector, In up to 630 A;
  • Front cable connection.

OFPD Construct of small-profiled plug-in 3NJ6

  • Cable feeder with:
    • SENTRON 3NJ6 plug-in switch-disconnector;
    • Mounting panels with the compartment doors;
  • Rated current In up to 630 A;
  • 1000mm or 1200 mm wide cabinet;
  • 400 or 600 mm wide compartment for cable connection;
  • up to 35 feeders on the cabinet;
  • Cable connection from the front, below or above;
  • Form of inner division up to 4b.

OFPD Construct of small-profiled plug-in 3NJ6–Vertical plug-in busbar

  • Rated current In up to 2180 A;
  • Rated short-circuit withstand current I cw up to 50 kA*;
  • 3- and 4-pole;
  • Intgrated shock-hazard protection:
    • Tested by touch of finger (IP20B);
    • overflow orifices with 50 mm long intervals.

OFF Hard-mounted construct with the front end covers

  • Cable feeders with:
    • SENTRON 3VL automated circuit breakers;
    • SIRIUS 3RV automated circuit breakers;
    • SENTRON 3K switch-disconnectors;
    • SENTRON 3NP switch-disconnectors;
    • Built-in electro-setting devices;
  • Rated current In up to 630 A;
  • 3-and 4-pole;
  • Permanent mounting or plug-in cap (3VL);
  • Manual or motor drive;
  • Control through the end cover;
  • 1000 or 1200 mm wide cabinet;
  • Compartment of cable connections 400 or 600 mm;
  • Cable connection from the front, below, above;
  • Form of  inner division 4b.

OFF Hard-mounted construct with the front end covers – vertical buses

  • Rated current: In up to 1620 A;
  • Rated short-circuit withstand current Icw up to 65 kA, 1 sec*;
  • 3-and 4-pole;
  • Different ways of cable or bus connections, without drilling or perforation;
  • Copper profile 400 or 650 mm².

OFF Hard-mounted construct with front end covers

  • Single or multiple feeders;
  • Continuously variable holders for uniform installation;
  • Rotating frame for more cofortable using;
  • Multi-functional busbar for simple installation of built-in wiring devices.

CCS – Cabinets of free design

  • Width of the cabinet: 400 mm, 600 mm, 800 mm, 1000 mm and 1200 mm, (350 mm, 850 mm)*;
  • Inner division: Form 1, Form 2b, bus cap;
  • Height og the door (2000 mm or 2200 mm);
  • Distributing busbar of the cabinet from behind:
    • Estimated current: up to1120A;
    • Conventional rated short-cirquit current: up to 65kA/1s (Icc = 100kA);
    • 3-and 4-pole;
    • DIN bus: 30 x 40 mm or 40 x 40 mm.

Standard installation elements:

  •  Sheet metal ounting panels;
  • *Alpha installation sets.

Cabinet with a central grounding point:

  • With and without current transformers;
  • 200 mm extension for FCB1;
  • 600 mm or 1000 mm with cable connection.

OFFD Hard mounted construct of small-profiled fuses 3NJ4

  • Cable feeders with:
    • SENTRON 3NJ4 fused disconnecting switch;
    • Alpha 8GK quickly mounted sets;
    • Mounting panels;
  • Estimated current In up to 630 A;
  • Conventional rated short-cirquit current Icc up to 50 kA;
  • 3-pole;
  • Up to 18 feeders for one cabinet;
  • With and without current measurement (Small-compartment integrated current transformers);
  • Total current measurement;
  • Form of inner division up to 2b;
  • 600, 800 и 1000 mm wide cabinet;
  • Cable connection from the front, below or above.

PFC Reactive power compensation

  • Capacitor units:
    • unrestricted up to 200 kvar;
    • unrestricted100 kvar;
  • Controller module with electronic control of reactive power for door installation;
  • Cluster switch with control from the door or behind it;
  • Width of the cabinet — 800 mm;
  • Up to 600 kvar, for unrestricted cabinet;
  • Up to 500 kvar, for restricted cabinet.


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