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Autonomous system of wells monitoring

Remote wells monitoring system based on autonomous system of data collection and visualization. System collects data about equipment operation and state. Monitoring system is based on application of wireless sensors located on conduct pipe and operator’s station.

Hierarhy of wells monitoring system

– field level – primary control of data received from sensors – includes sensors, measuring transformers,data collection, primary parameters transformation devices;

– middle level – level of data collection to programmed controller, buferization and data processing, received from sensors;

– upper level – level of dispatching, specialized images processing (mnemoschemes), data visualization to users (dispetchers) and provision of interaction to third-pary software of upper-level, middle and field level of control.

Autonomous power supply of wells monitoring system

Installation of solar panels allows to design autonomous energy supply system on Site

Innovative solution: installation of solar panels for supplying with power the equipment of monitoring system has been successfully applied on several projects of INFOCOM sp. z o.o.

For information exchange between system components there is cable network Ethernet /DSL as a main communication channel. As a reserve communication channel GSM network with redundancy – that improves reliability of the system in general.


Main benefits of autonomous wells monitoring system

Automated data collection

Monitoring of remote devides without cables

Power supply from solar panels

Reduction of mounting terms

System reliability

System operation stability 24/7

For mining industy there are exeptional conditions when cabling isn’t recommended for the automation object as it’s very expensive or hard to realize. In this case wireless data transfer is reliable solution for less costs.


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